Treated 2002 · Posted 2003

“I was so excited to phone my urologist, to cancel my surgery date . . .”

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in October of 2001. Then there was the decision of “what do I do??” My urologist gave me three options-----#1 ignore it for a year then check the PSA again, #2 have the radical prostatectomy, or #3 have the…

Treated 2002 • Posted 2003 

“Of course the surgeon and radiologist in Annapolis and Georgetown U. in Wash. D.C. were both convinced they could cure my cancer - and they probably could - but at what cost in side effects???”

My name is Ray Arnold in Annapolis, Md. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early July 2001 at the age of 61. My numbers…

Treated 2002 · Posted 2003

“The treatments were so easy one feels guilty fighting cancer with no more effort than that.”

My story may be of interest to an 'abnormal' group of BOB members or potential treatment candidates. By 'abnormal' I mean those with very high Gleason scores and therefore a little extra worry. By my count, out of the more…

Treated 2002 · Posted 2003 · Updated 2015 

“The most important sentence in this letter was: “ WITH RELATIVELY FEW SIDE EFFECTS.” We made the decision to go to Loma Linda.”

My Prostate Cancer Story: As every year in January for the past five or six years I stopped, on my way home from work, by the Northwest…

Treated 2002 · Posted 2003 

“I appreciate the opportunity to share my story in hopes that it will benefit others.”

Currently, my post proton treatment, 3 month check up, reflects a PSA of 1.85, down from the initial PSA of 3.56. My journey started with a routine examination by my primary physician in June, 2001 and ended with the last of my 40…

Treated 2000 · Posted 2003 

“Now, it has been 3 years since the final treatment. I still feel great and I am thankful for it. My recent check showed my PSA at 0.2. I guess you can't get much better than that.”

My story begins in May 1999 when I had a routine physical. My previous PSA was 6.0, but in May 99, it was 7.6. I had never heard of PSA…

Treated 1999 · Posted 2003 

“I feel like my guardian angel has been looking after me during the whole procedure.”

On February 9, 1999 I had my annual checkup and was told everything looked good except for my PSA, which was 5.9. My family doctor referred me to a urologist who said my prostate felt fine - no lumps or bumps, but to be on the safe…

Treated 2002 · Posted 2003 

“We had one of the best two-month vacations we've have ever had. That minute and 45 seconds out of each day for treatment was a piece of cake...”

My history prior to going to LLUMC is pretty similar to all the testimonies I’ve read so far. My primary care physician (PCP) was watching my PSA gradually rise for about…

Treated 2002 · Posted 2003

“I share my experiences with many, both here at home and away, in hopes that they too may enjoy the positive results of life renewal. I would like to express my appreciation to the BOB and all who so openly share and support each other. LIFE IS GREAT.” 

I am a retired educator (37 yrs of service) and a seasonal…

Treated 2003 • Posted 2003 

“The people, the techs, the doctors, the patients afforded me an experience which I never will forget.”

My name is Murray Rosenblatt arriving from Chicago with PSA 6.5, Gleason 3.3.

I was advised by my urologist that radiation would be my best course of action, being connected with Northwestern Hospital the…