LLUCC Wednesday Night Meetings

The LLUCC Wednesday night meetings are hosted by Dr. Lynn Martell, D.Min., Director of Special Services at LLUCC. They take place at the Drayson Center on the campus of Loma Linda University. 

Bob Marckini:

The psychosocial programs at LLUCC are leading edge, and they are amazingly effective. At the heart of these programs is the Wednesday night support group meeting. 

When I was doing my research and interviewing LLUCC proton patients, the Wednesday night meetings were frequently mentioned. I heard, "You must attend," or, "Don't miss a single one." I initially put that advice aside because of my belief at the time: 'Real men don't do support groups.' I had visions of 50 people sitting in a circle, holding hands and singing Kumbaya.

I couldn't have been more wrong.